Order Placement Policy

The customer can place an order by phone, email, via a VittaVento LLC sales representative, via our website vittavento.com or on social media (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn messengers).

After placing the order, you will be contacted by our employee for confirmation and paperwork. The order is considered to be concluded only after the customer signs the sales order and makes the agreed prepayment.


Payment should be made to VittaVento LLC in full by credit card, PayPal, cash, personal check or bank transfer before the order can be confirmed. If VittaVento LLC has agreed to payment terms other than the above, including purchase on credit, this should be reflected in the sales order.

Payment shall be made within 3 working days after receipt of the customer's quotation. The order is not considered confirmed and the products are not reserved for the customer until payment is made. In case of post-payment, it shall be made in accordance with the quotation.

In case of late payment under this agreement, a monthly penalty of 1.5% of the overdue balance or the maximum amount allowed by law may be assessed for each thirty (30) calendar days that payment remains overdue.

VittaVento LLC reserves the right to cancel any order placed for any product, goods or services without cause.

Customer agrees that VittaVento LLC's agreement to accept less than the full amount of the order shall not be deemed a waiver of VittaVento LLC's right to collect the remaining balance. VittaVento LLC reserves all rights and remedies for non-payment, breach or default under this agreement


Customer should be aware that VittaVento LLC is not responsible for taxes or fees that the government may charge on goods upon sale or transfer.

Prices on vittavento.com are subject to change at any time without notice in the event of changes in specifications, quantities, design or delivery schedules, changes in the cost of materials, supplies, labor, technical error, etc.

Lead Time

Our standard lead time is between three (3) and thirty (30) business days and depends on the size and quantity of additional services. Any lead times provided by VittaVento LLC are calculated using information available at the time the order is received.

Any lead times provided to the customer are approximate and are subject to change based on various circumstances.

Customer agrees that he/she is not relying in any way on the lead time confirmed by VittaVento LLC.

Customer shall not schedule installation or other transactions until he/she has received the ordered product.

Customer's ability to cancel an order does not apply to customized/special orders. Special orders are defined in the “Special Order Placement Policy”.

Special Order Placement Policy

A special order is a custom order with non-standard dimensions that has been pre-customized at the customer's request. Fittings and accessories that are sold in conjunction with a special order are also considered a special order.

A custom or special order is any door in a height other than 79 ½”. Also a special order is an order of any product that is not available at the time of order acceptance, in which case the sales order must be marked “special order” (no such marking is required when ordering doors of heights other than 79 ½”).

The customer's ability to cancel an order does not apply to orders that have already been shipped to the customer or to orders for which production has already begun.

Any special orders are non-refundable and non-returnable.

The production period for special orders is 16 to 32 weeks + delivery from the warehouse of VittaVento LLC.

Special order can be changed or canceled only within 2 (two) business days after the order is placed.

Shipment and Delivery

Only fully paid orders are subject to shipment. Delivery is subject to the procedures set forth in the Delivery Policy